
cmcl clt earth day 2022

Support Our Climate Advocacy Through Volunteering

As climate impacts intensify, especially in North Carolina, our coalition needs you to join us as we advocate for equitable clean energy, carbon-reduction strategies, and climate justice. Let us know how you would like to get involved. All committee meetings are on Zoom.

Steering Committee

The steering committee oversees the direction, advocacy initiatives, and continued expansion of the coalition. Members also organize the annual strategic planning retreat in January. Membership is currently composed of chairs or our committees, representatives from organizational members, former elected officials, and other volunteers with environmental leadership skills. It meets monthly on the second Tuesday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.

NC Carbon Plan & Clean Energy

Members of this committee work closely with CleanAIRE NC staff to advocate for a strong Carbon Plan which transitions our state away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy and battery storage. Speaking at public hearings, submitting written comments to the NC Utilities Commission, researching carbon plan proposals, and submitting op-eds are some of the committee’s activities. Learn more about the NC Carbon Plan at CleanAIRE NC’s website.

Volunteers this year have an opportunity to help us promote the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Solarize Program to enable low and moderate income residents to access clean energy. Solarize campaigns are a Department of Energy best practice proven to increase solar installations by reducing barriers and costs through education and group purchasing power. The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Time TBD for 2025.

SEAP Accountability Committee

This committee was formed after the Strategic Energy Action Plan was approved by Charlotte City Council in 2018. Members have continued to be engaged with implementation of the Strategic Energy Action Plan over the years by participating in energy, transportation, workforce development, and buildings groups, having City sustainability staff report updates at our meetings, and advocating for additional funding for SEAP at City budget hearings. The committee also educates the public about the SEAP and its dashboard tool. While we support and promote the SEAP and work closely with City staff, we also challenge them at times to be bold in their approach to meet their goals given the urgency of the climate crisis. The City is currently updating the SEAP and committee members will engage in the update process in 2025.

Marketing & Engagement Committee

This important committee is tasked with expanding community awareness about the Charlotte Mecklenburg Climate Leaders through events, social media, newsletters, and other strategies aimed at building our coalition. We need volunteers who have skill sets and enjoy writing, editing, marketing, graphic design, event planning, and use of social media. This committee also communicates with our organizational members to promote their events and get them involved in overall coalition work. Committee meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month from 10:00 – 11:00 am.